Innovation- and communitydriven
The Gallery is a large building complex at the entrance to the University of Twente Campus. The first section of The Gallery has already been transformed into an ‘ecosystem’ in which startups can accelerate their business. The University of Twente, Asito, Cisco, HMO, Novel-T and BLOC are now rolling up their sleeves for The Gallery 2: the extended, empty complex at the entrance to the campus. Together they will be setting up innovation programmes in the coming period, guided by the university motto: ‘High Tech, Human Touch’. The aim of these programmes is that businesses, students and academics can together develop, test and apply solutions to major social challenges, aided by the exponential growth of technological possibilities. The partners will not be working alongside each other, but with each other.
The Gallery 2 will be configured so as to provide maximum support for the innovation processes, including rooms for ideation, bootcamps, concept development, prototyping and business development. There will be large, open rooms for conferences, lectures and workshops as well as hangouts, a coffee bar and terraces. What’s more, the building environment must be flexible enough for it to keep pace with and change in line with user requirements. The users of the building will be supported here by a service-oriented digital infrastructure and an extensive package of services from which they themselves can choose what they need. The businesses, students and academics taking part in the innovation programmes will all become ‘members’ of The Gallery. This means that they will not only contribute to the innovation programmes but also handle the programming and organization. They will become temporary owners of their innovation environment.
The Gallery 2 - Aerial view (© BLOC Design)

Circularity Center Twente
The development of the complex is an innovation programme in itself. Driven by the goal of contributing to the circular economy, the partners aim to realize The Gallery 2 as the Circularity Center Twente. As many materials as possible will be reused for the building development. The complex itself will be stripped and new elements such as stairs and facades will be printed using the demolition material. What’s more, everything will be designed and developed for further reuse. Besides this, new practice-based, circular business models will be created and applied. One part of this approach is to develop the complex in the form of a Building as a Service. This means that not only facilities such as lighting, power and heating are supplied as services, but even features like the interior, the installations and the (energy-generating) facades. And when The Gallery 2 opens, it should achieve maximum self-sufficiency as regards factors like food and energy.
Start. Now.
The Gallery 2 will open in 2020. But the innovation programme is already underway. The University of Twente, Asito, Cisco, HMO, Novel-T and BLOC aim to collaborate here with companies and institutes that can contribute to the circular development of the complex. Want to join in? Let us know!

Asito (ADG Dienstengroep)
An innovative facilities services provider, leading in hospitality, technology and inclusivity. Asito facilitates connection with service design thinking among other things. Asito develops The Gallery 2 as a service platform.
Site Asito
Cisco designs and sells broad lines of products, provides services, and delivers integrated solutions to develop and connect networks around the world. Cisco makes the services platform of The Gallery 2 data-driven and develops the digital infrastructure.
Site cisco
Herstructureringsmaatschappij Overijssel powers the revitalisation of business parks, top-notch work locations and knowledge parks in Overijssel together with municipalities and entrepreneurs, aimed at growth of value. As an investing party, HMO creates financial support for The Gallery 2.
Site hmo
Builds an environment where entrepreneurs jump on new opportunities and become game-changers. By connecting and activating talent, knowledge, capital, network and infrastructure. Novel-T designs programmes for The Gallery 2 including a Centre of Entrepreneurship.
Site novel-t
University of Twente
The most entrepreneurial university of the Netherlands. A multicultural community of talented, ambitious people in the best possible learning, working and living environment. The University is the scientific ‘conscience’ of the collaboration and owns the plot and the building.
site University of Twente
Developer of radical projects, concepts and strategies that make society more beautiful, sustainable and healthier. BLOC has developed the development vision for The Gallery 2 and supports the other partners in preparing for the realisation.
site blocThe Gallery 2 - Human eye view (© BLOC Design)

The Gallery 2 is content-, community-, and value-driven. Say that again? Download the development vision to get to know what this exactly means!
Download the development vision